LIST C C In this example, all keys know by default by SGV are shown. C The commented value is the default. C C NOTE: the PYTHIA6 steering variables are changing from version to C version, so don't trust the example too much. Verify the meaning C of the variables in the version You are using !!!! C ========== General steerings : ============ C Max # of events C C MAXEV 1000 C Max # of events to list C C MAXPR 1 C Unit to list events on C C LUNPR 6 C Starting seed for detector simulation random number generator. C On VMS, setting ISEED to 0 yields new seeds C each run (the seed will be calculated from the C wall-clock C C DSEED 123345678 C Starting seed for Lund evet generator random number generator. C Same comment. Note that other generators might or might not C care about this value... C C GSEED 19780503 C Save random-number generator seeds on file ( to be able to C restart after a crash. Only the most current set will be saved) C C SEED_BACKUP TRUE C Frequency of seed-backups. Don't put it much less than this default: C I/O take time !!! C C BACKUP_FREQ 100 C Should the analysing code do initialisation ? (normally not, but if C You saved simulated events on a file and are reading them back, it C should. C C NEED_ANA_INI FALSE C Skip the event and continue with next on errors (TRUE) or stop C execution ? C C SKIP TRUE C Should histograms read in be updated (1) or reset (0) ? C C UPDF 1 C Use column-wise ntuples ? C C CWN FALSE C Use any HBOOK external file at all ? C C USE_HBOOK TRUE C I/O generated and simulated events : C RZ : output to RZ file C FZUT : output to FZ file C FZIN : input from FZ file C NO : No I/O (normally what You want) C (if 'FZIN' is selected NEED_ANA_INI is set to TRUE) C C IOMODE 'NO ' C========= Event generator steering ====== C CMS energy (GeV) C C CMS_ENE 92.0 CMS_ENE 500.0 C JETSET steering arrays : C C MSTU C MSTJ C PARU C PARJ C PMAS C MDME C PYTHIA steering arrays : C C MSTP C PARP C MSTI C PARI C more PYTHIA steering C MSEL C MSUB C CKIN C KFIN C (Note that KFIN is declared as KFIN(2,-40:40), PMAS as PMAS(4,500), C and MDME as MDME(2,2000), so You must do C some algebra to find the corresponding number when in a 1-dim C array) C Average interaction point C C MEAN_VERTEX 0.0 0.0 0.0 C Beam-spot size C C VERTEX_SPREAD 0.015 0.0010 1.000 C Simulate interaction point ? (by default it will be a 0,0,0) C C PRIMARY_VERTEX_SIM FALSE C The following is example of how to set up a PYTHIA C run. Refere to the PYTHIA documentation for all the C possible settings and their defaults! C Higgs mass PMAS 25=120.0 C W mass PMAS 24=80.22 C W width (500+compressed code) PMAS 524=2.0 C Z mass PMAS 23=91.1870 PARJ 123=91.1870 C Z width (500+compressed code) PMAS 523=2.49 PARJ 124=2.49 C top mass PMAS 6=175. C MDME settings for PYTHIA6152 (but not for PYTHIA6115 !!! C Use CALL PYLIST(12) to get a listing for the version You are C using.) C C============================Select gamma decay channels C Quarks : d,u,s,c,b,t MDME 162 = 0 163 = 0 164 = 0 165 = 0 166 = 0 167 = 1 C Leptons : e,mu,tau 170 = 0 171 = 0 172 = 0 C==========================Select Z0 decay channels C Quarks : d,u,s,c,b,t 174 = 0 175 = 0 176 = 0 177 = 0 178 = 0 179 = 1 C Leptons : e,nue,mu,numu,tau,nutau 182 = 0 183 = 0 184 = 0 185 = 0 186 = 0 187 = 0 C===== ==================Select W decay channels C Quarks : du,dc,su,sc,bu,bc 190 = 1 191 = 1 194 = 1 195 = 1 198 = 1 199 = 1 C Leptons : enue,munumu,taunutau 206 = 1 207 = 1 208 = 1 C ===================================== C Sea structure of e (0: no sea, 1: e contains g,q,...) C MSTP 11 = 1 C 12 = 1 C Gamma gamma -> ff . Use MDME for gamma to select which f is allowed C MSUB 58 = 1 C ff -> ff elastic QFD ( ie. bhabha) C MSUB 10 = 1 C ff -> f'f' (t-channel in general) C MSUB 12 = 1 C If the hadronic structure of the e is activated, C the following might also occur C ff -> ff elastic QCD C MSUB 11 = 1 C ff -> gg C MSUB 13 = 1 C fg -> fg C MSUB 28 = 1 C fgamma -> fg C MSUB 33 = 1 C gg -> ff C MSUB 53 = 1 C ggamma -> ff C MSUB 54 = 1 C gg -> gg C MSUB 68 = 1 C mass cut C CKIN 1 = 10. C Pt cut C CKIN 3 = 5.0 C 5 = 5.0 C Set cut-offs for Z/gamma mass to 3 GeV. CKIN 41 = 3. 42 = -1. 43 = 3. 44 = -1. C ff-->Z/gamma Use MDME for gamma and Z to select which C final fermions will be produced MSUB 1=1 C Z0Z0. idem C MSUB 22=1 C WW. idem C MSUB 25=1 C ISR on MSTP 11 = 1 C FSR on 71 = 1 C Fragmentation on 111 = 1 C Use gamma/Z-interference 43 = 3 C========= Detector simulation steering ====== C Generate hits or track parameters at perigee C C VDHITS FALSE C If hits to be generated : In how many layers (not counting the beam-pipe) C C VDLAYS 1 C Make full set of track parameters with Error matrix, or just C 3-momentum and production vertex ? If You write the event C to a file, putting MTKR to FALSE might be interesting: The size C of the file is much reduced. The parameters can the be reconstructed C by the analysing code. If You're not writing events out, putting C MTKR = false is just a waste of CPU-cycles (the same thing will be C done both in the simulation and the analysis) C C MTKR TRUE C Number of detectors (MAX=3) C C NDETS 1 C Generate showers in calorimeters also for charged C particles (else only for neutrals). C C CHSHOW TRUE C Generate brems and photon conversions in the detector C material C GENBC FALSE C Minimum electron momentum to generate brems. C PMINBR 0.3 C Minimum photon momentum to generate pair-production. C PMINPA 0.0 C Minimum fraction of pt after to pt before the brems for the C original electron to be kept for the tracking C PTLOSLIM 0.9 C Send particles with these codes to analysis C By default, all particles with non-zero lifetime C are sent and need not be specified here. C Use the LUND partcle codes. C SAVE_PARTICLES SAVE_PARTICLES 24 -24 C Print the geometry of the dectector after loading. C PRDET FALSE C Print the geometry of the dectector after loading, in a C way usefull for displaying the detector with SHOWDET.KUMAC C (if true, will also set PRDET to TRUE) C PLDET FALSE C========= Analysis steering ====== C Make Event ntuple ? (no-op with the default ZAUSER) C C MEVNT FALSE C Make Jet ntuple ? (no-op with the default ZAUSER) C C MJETNT FALSE C How to analyse the VD hits ? (no-op with the default ZAUSER) C C VDMET 1 C Minimum number of jets to accept the event. C C MINJET 0 C Make primary vertex by adding tracks until the Xi^2 of the vertex C gets bad (DOWNUP TRUE) or by by removing tracks until it gets good C (DOWNUP = FALSE) C C DOWNUP FALSE C Limiting probability for two showers in the calorimeter to be C separated. C If the separartion of the two showers is such that the C probability >= SHOW_SEP_LIM that two independent meassuerments C of the SAME shower would give that same observed separartion (or C less), the showers are merged. Hence, big SHOW_SEP_LIM -> many C showers merged, and v.v. In particular: SHOW_SEP_LIM=0. means C no showers are merged, and the cluster-information will essentially C be a copy of the calorimeter information in ZATRS. C NB. This parameter only takes effect if ZAUSHO is called as in C the example ZAUSER! C C SHOW_SEP_LIM 0.9995 C Lowest distance between shower start-point and track extrapolation C to the calorimeter at which the shower will not be attached C to the track (in cm). C NB. This parameter only takes effect if ZAUSHO is called as in C the example ZAUSER! C C MIN_SEP_CLU_TRK 5.0