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To use SUSYGEN, add the card

to the cradle. You must also create a SUSYGEN library. Normally, SUSYGEN is shipped as a full program. However, the SUSYGEN pam-file is also available from the authors. To create the library, run patchy on this pamfile with the following cradle :

 %   Cardle to extract the susygen library source-code
 %   Extract all but the deck MSSM, which is the main program.
 %   Author : Mikael Berggren, IPN Lyon
 %   Created : 980117
 %   Create the fortran file by :
 %    ypatchy - susygen_lib susygen_lib tty .go
 %     Move the hbook initialization from NTUPLE_INIT
 %     (called by SGV) to SBOOK (not called), since all
 %     package-initialization should be done by SGV.
 %     NB. line-numbers are correct for SUSYGEN 2.20/01
       INTEGER istat

       CALL HLIMIT(900000)

       call hropen(31,'susy','susygen.ntp','n',1024,istat)

       IF (ISTAT.NE. 0) THEN

       call hmdir('//susy','s')
       call hcdir('//susy',' ')
 %  (replace the pamfile name as appropriate)

Then create the library : on VMS simply compile the resulting FORTRAN file with the option SEPARATE and create the object-library with LIB/CREATE. On UNIX, first run fcasplit (preferably in an empty directory), compile all the resulting fortran files, and create the object library with ar -rv. When compiling, note that SUSYGEN assumes that local variables keep their values between calls. This is by no means the standard. Verify what is needed on Your system: on VMS, no action is needed, on HP/UX the option "-K" is needed, etc.

When creating the SGV-executable with CRESGVEXE (as described under point 4 in chapter 2.), don't forget to add the name of this SUSYGEN library as argument 7. On VMS, one should add "/LIB/INCLUDE=SUSYGDAT" to this name. Since SUSYGEN uses the PHOTOS package to generate ISR, 'photos' should be added as the 9:th argument, as well.

The steering cards to SUSYGEN can be inserted into the file with SGV steering cards (assigned to unit 17) at any convenient position. SGV will ignore values given to the susygen steering cards concerning the number of events to generate and the beam-energy. Values for these parameters will be taken from the corresponding SGV cards.

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Mikael Berggren 2003-03-27